White Blood Cell (WBC): Basophils
- Young Basophil, neutrophilic myelocyte, M-7 leukemia
- Basophil, AML
- Blast, Late NRBC, Progranulocyte, Basophil, AML
- Late NRBC, Basophil, Megakaryocyte, Blast, AML
- Mitotic Neutrophilic cell, AML
- Mitotic form, drug reaction buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease blood
- Plasma cell with multiple vacuoles, multiple nuclei
- Basophil, eosinophils, Normal blood
- Late neutrophils, eosinophil, basophil
- Basophil
- Basophil
- Basophil
- Basophils, mature neutrophils, CML blood
- Young basophils, CML blood
- Crushed basophil
- Crushed basophil
- Crushed myelocyte, polychromatic, orthochromatic NRBC
- Basophil, Toluidine Blue stain
- Basophils, Toluidine Blue stain, CML
- Mast
- Intermediate megakaryocyte, basophil, smudge cells
- Myeloblast, basophil, normal marrow
- Late NRBC, Basophil, Megakaryocyte, Blast, AML
- Basophil
- Basophil
- Basophil
- Basophils, mature neutrophils, CML blood
- Crushed basophil
White Blood Cell (WBC): Eosinophils
- Neutrophil Surrounded by Platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, drug reaction buffy coat
- Monocyte, Plasmacytoid Lymphocyte, drug reaction buffy coat
- Plasma cell, NRBCs, hypersplenism
- Plasma cell with multiple vacuoles, normal marrow
- Eosinophil, Normal blood
- Eosinophil, Normal blood
- Band eosinophil, mature neutrophil, Normal blood
- Basophil, eosinophils, Normal blood
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, eosinophilic metamyelocyte, mitosis
- Eosinophilic myelocytes, neutrophilic myelocytes, Marrow
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Crushed eosinophil
- Crushed eosinophil
- Crushed eosinophilic myelocyte
- Late neutrophils, eosinophil, basophil
- Crushed myelocyte, polychromatic, orthochromatic NRBC
- Promegakaryocyte, intermediate neutrophilic cell, ITP marrow
- Young megakaryocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, Normal marrow
Band Eosinophils
- Plasma cell, NRBCs, hypersplenism
- Band eosinophil, mature neutrophil, Normal blood
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, eosinophilic metamyelocyte, mitosis
- Crushed eosinophil
Eosinophilic Myelocyte
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, eosinophilic metamyelocyte, mitosis
- Eosinophilic myelocytes, neutrophilic myelocytes, Marrow
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Crushed eosinophilic myelocyte
- Crushed myelocyte, polychromatic, orthochromatic NRBC
- Promegakaryocyte, intermediate neutrophilic cell, ITP marrow
- Young megakaryocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, Normal marrow
White Blood Cell (WBC): Neutrophils
- Megakaryocyte, blasts, peroxidase stain, M-7 leukemia
- Abnormal neutrophils, Pelgeroid, platelets, AML blood
- Hyposegmented neutrophil, blasts, megathrombocyte, AML blood
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, lymphocyte, AML blood
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, monocyte, blast, platelets, AML blood
- Myelocytes, abnormal platelets, AML blood
- Mature neutrophil, blast, acute megakaryocytic leukemia
- Blasts, megathrombocyte, acute megkaryocytic leukemia
- Blasts, megathrombocyte, neutrophil, monocyte, AML blood
- Late neutrophil, Pelgeroid, colorless cytoplasm, AML blood
- Blast, late neutrophil, megathrombocytes, AML blood
- Pelgeroid and intermediate neutrophils, blasts, AML relapse
- Blasts, Pelgeroid neutrophils, AML in relapse
- Blasts, neutrophilic myelocyte, band neutrophil, AML relapse
- Pelgeroid neutrophils, blasts, AML in relapse
- Blasts, abnormal megathrombocyte, AML in relapse
- Blasts, neutrophilic myelocyte, monocyte, AML in relapse
- Blasts, neutrophilic promyelocyte, AML in relapse
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, progranulocyte, AML in relapse
- Progranulocytes, acute megakaryocytic leukemia in relapse
- Pelgeroid eutrophil, Megakaryocyte, Megakaryocytic Leukemia
- Young Basophil, neutrophilic myelocyte, M-7 leukemia
- Abnormal agranular megathrombocytes, megakaryocytic leukemia
- Abnormal late neutrophils, colorless cytoplasm, M-7 leukemia
- Abnormal late neutrophils, Pelgeroid, M-7 leukemia
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, blasts, M-7 leukemia
- Progranulocytes, neutrophilic myelocyte, M-7 leukemia
- Late neutrophil, platelet, PAS stain, M-7 leukemia
- Neutrophils, PAS stain, ds, ds18, ds19, bd
- Bare Nucleus, Megakaryocyte, Blast, AML
- Blast, Late NRBC, Progranulocyte, Basophil, AML
- Blasts, AML
- Blast, Glycoprotein IIbIIIa stain, AML
- Megathrombocytes, Blast, AML
- Blasts, AML
- Blast, Megathrombocyte, AML
- Blasts, AML
- Blasts, M-7 leukemia, neutrophils, NRBC, Down’s syndrome
- Blasts, Megakaryocyte, AML
- Blasts, AML
- Mitotic Neutrophilic cell, AML
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, AML
- AML (M-7) in Remission
- AML (M-7) in Remission
- Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7) in Remission
- Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7) in Remission
- Normal Platelets, Normal EDTA anticoagulated blood
- Normal Platelets , Proper Thickness, Field to Examine
- Clumps of Platelets, Thrombocytosis, Capillary blood
- Small Platelets, Megathrombocyte, Band Neutrophil
- Abnormal megathrombocytes, Capillary blood, MDS
- Platelet overlying a red cell, Megathrombocyte, MDS
- Platelet , Mature Neutrophil, (PAS) stain
- Neutrophils surrounded by platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Neutrophil Surrounded by Platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Late Neutrophil Surrounded – Platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Neutrophils surrounded by platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Mature Neutrophils surrounded by Platelets, Satellitism
- Mature Neutrophils, Platelet Satellitism
- Neutrophils surrounded by platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Platelet Satellitism
- Neutrophils, platelet satellitism, marrow
- Neutrophils, platelet satellitism, marrow
- Platelet Satellitism
- Platelet Satellitism, cerebral spinal fluid
- Reactive lymphocytes, Hepatitis blood
- Reactive, plasmacytoid, basophilic, reticular lymphocytes
- Reactive lymphocytes, viral infection blood
- Reactive/plasmacytoid lymphocyte, viral infection buffy coat
- Reactive, plasmacytoid, Viral infection buffy coat
- Mature, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, viral infection buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, LGL, viral infection buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral infection buffy coat
- Mitotic form, drug reaction buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, drug reaction buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, drug reaction buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphs, infectious mononucleosis blood
- Plasma Cell, alcoholic, liver disease blood
- Plasmacytoid, plasma cell, alcoholic, liver disease blood
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, alcoholic
- Mott Cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease blood
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasma cells, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid, plasma cell, severe arthritis, osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid, plasma cell, severe arthritis, osteoporosis
- Hypersegmented neutrophil, mitotic cell, LGL, plasma cell
- Plasma cell, NRBCs, hypersplenism
- Plasma cells, late NRBC, progranulocyte
- Young Plasma Cell
- Plasma cell, NRBC in mitosis
- Plasma cells, proerythroblast, NRBC
- Plasma cells, late NRBC, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Plasma cell, late NRBC, band neutrophil
- Plasma cell, binucleated plasma cell, normal marrow
- Plasma Cells, binucleated plasma cell, ITP
- Binucleated Plasma Cell, orthochromatic NRBC
- Binucleated plasma cell with a fragmenting cytoplasm
- Dying plasma cell, late neutrophils
- Plasma cell, Mott cell, buffy coat preparation
- Plasma cell, vacuoles located over nucleus
- Mott cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, viral infection
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Mott Cell, binucleated early megakaryocyte
- Plasma cell with multiple vacuoles, normal marrow
- Plasma cell, multiple vacuoles, anemia of chronic infection
- Plasma cell with multiple vacuoles, multiple nuclei
- Plasma cell, vacuoles overlying nucleus, monocyte
- Osteoblast, plasma cells, normal marrow
- Pathologic rouleaux formation, Multiple myeloma
- Pathologic rouleaux, plasma cell, Multiple myeloma
- Pathologic rouleaux, Multiple myeloma
- Pathologic rouleaux, Multiple myeloma
- Eosinophil, Normal blood
- Band eosinophil, mature neutrophil, Normal blood
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, eosinophilic metamyelocyte, mitosis
- Eosinophilic myelocytes, neutrophilic myelocytes, Marrow
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Late neutrophils, eosinophil, basophil
- Basophils, mature neutrophils, CML blood
- Crushed myelocyte, polychromatic, orthochromatic NRBC
- Basophil, Toluidine Blue stain
- Basophils, Toluidine Blue stain, CML
- Mast cell, Normal marrow
- Mast cell, Normal marrow
- Mast cell
- Mast cell, macrophages, Normal marrow
- Mast cells, Systemic mastocytosis marrow
- Osteoblasts
- Osteoclast
- Mature megakaryocytes, emperipolis
- Megakaryoblast, intermediate neutrophilic cells, ITP marrow
- Megakaryoblast, binucleated megakaryocyte, myeloid leukemia
- Early binucleated megakaryocyte, chronic myelocytic leukemia
- Binucleated megakaryocyte, myelocytes, late NRBC
- Promegakaryocyte, intermediate neutrophilic cell, ITP marrow
- Young megakaryocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocyte, intermediate megakaryocyte, ITP marrow
- Mature megakaryocyte, blood smear
- Bare megakaryocyte nuclei, NRBC, cancer blood
- Megakaryoblast, Emperipolis, Essential Thrombocytosis
- Megakaryoblast, emperipolis, hemolytic anemia
- Megakaryoblast, emperipolis, hemolytic anemia
- Megakaryocyte, megakaryoblast, endothelial cells, ITP marrow
- Intermediate megakaryocyte, megakaryoblast, normal marrow
- Intermediate megakaryocyte, late NRBC, mature neutrophil
- Intermediate megakaryocytes, emperipolis, macrophage
- Mature megakaryocytes, emperipolis, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocyte, emperipolis, normal marrow
- Megakaryocyte nuclei, megathrombocytes, myeloid metaplasia
- Myeloblast, micromegakaryocyte, myeloid leukemia blood
- Micromegakaryocytes, myeloid leukemia, M-7 leukemia
- Megakaryoblasts, chronic myeloid leukemia, M-7 leukemia
- megakaryocyte nucleus, M-7 and chronic myeloid leukemias
- Micromegakaryocytes, M-7 and chronic myeloid leukemias
- Megakaryocytes, neutrophilic cell, double esterase stain
- Platelets, neutrophil, monocyte, GP IIbIIIa stain
- Platelets, GP IIb,IIIa stain
- Mature megakaryocyte, platelets, NRBC, GP IIb,IIIa stain
- Normal blood – dense area, segmented neutrophil
- Normal blood – dense area, lyphocyte, segmented neutrophil
- Blood – thin area, lymphocytes, neutrophils
- Blood – tail area, segmented neutrophils
- Normal blood, segmented neutrophil, small lymphocyte
- Normal blood, segmented neutrophils, lymphocyte
- Normal blood, segmented neutrophils
- Normal blood, segmented and hypersegmented neutrophils
- Hypersegmented neutrophil, leukocytosis
- Hypersegmented and normal segmented neutrophil
- Band neutrophils, karryorexes of neutrophils, smudge cells
- Hypersegmented neutrophil, buffy coat of pernicious anemia
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophil, band neutrophil, normal blood
- Band neutrophils, segmented neutrophil
- Segmented neutrophil, monocyte, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, lymphocyte
- Band neutrophil, segmented neutrophils
- Band neutrophil, segmented neutrophil
- Band neutrophils, monocyte
- Band neutrophils
- Early band neutrophils
- Segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, normal blood
- Segmented and band neutrophils, lymphocyte, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, thin area blood
- Segmented neutrophil, lymphocytes, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophil, monocyte, lymphocytes, normal blood
- Lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophil, monocyte, normal blood
- Monocyte, band neutrophil, normal blood
- Lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophil, buffy coat, normal blood
- Monocyte, lymphocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal blood
- Monocyte, segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, normal blood
- mall lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil, normal blood
- Monocytes, segmented neutrophil, normal blood
- Toxic monocyte, sepsis
- Monocyte, toxic neutrophil, sepsis
- Toxic monocyte, toxic neutrophils, sepsis
- Monocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Monocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Late neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, late NRBC
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Band neutrophil, metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, NRBC
- Neutrophilic metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Intermediate neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, late NRBC, normal marrow
- Intermediate neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Intermediate neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, almost no granules, normal marrow
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, myelocytes
- Myelocyte, smashed myelocyte, bare nucleus, smudge cells
- Myelocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myelocyte, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myelocyte with many azure granules, normal marrow
- Myelocytes, band neutrophils, metamyelocyte
- Myelocyte, disrupted band neutrophil
- Myelocytes, promyelocyte, late NRBC, metamyelocyte
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophils
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophils, normal marrow
- Progranulocyte, segmented neutrophil, polychromatic NRBC
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Progranulocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, monocyte
- Progranulocyte, myelocyte, normal marrow
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte
- Progranulocyte, dying lymphocyte, normal marrow
- One very early progranulocyte, normal marrow
- Early progranulocyte, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, neutrophilic metamyelocyte, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, late neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, basophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblasts, lymphocyte, late NRBC, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, polychromatic NRBCs, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, lymphocyte, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, late NRBC, normal marrow
- Reticular cells, polychromatic NRBCs, normal marrow
- Reticular cell, normal marrow
- Reticular cell, monocyte, normal marrow
- Reticular cell, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
Neutrophils: Mature
- Mature neutrophil, blast, acute megakaryocytic leukemia
- Bare Nucleus, Megakaryocyte, Blast, AML
- Blasts, AML
- Blast, Glycoprotein IIbIIIa stain, AML
- Bare nucleus, AML
- Blasts, AML
- Blast, Megathrombocyte, AML
- Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7) in Remission
- Normal Platelets , Proper Thickness, Field to Examine
- Clumps of Platelets, Thrombocytosis, Capillary blood
- Platelet overlying a red cell, Megathrombocyte, MDS
- Platelet , Mature Neutrophil, (PAS) stain
- Neutrophils surrounded by platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Neutrophil Surrounded by Platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Mature Neutrophils surrounded by Platelets, Satellitism
- Mature Neutrophils, Platelet Satellitism
- Neutrophils surrounded by platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Platelet Satellitism
- Platelet Satellitism
- Platelet Satellitism, cerebral spinal fluid
- Reactive lymphocytes, Hepatitis blood
- Reactive lymphocytes, viral infection blood
- Mitotic form, drug reaction buffy coat
- Plasma Cell, alcoholic, liver disease blood
- Mott Cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease blood
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasma cells, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid, plasma cell, severe arthritis, osteoporosis
- Hypersegmented neutrophil, mitotic cell, LGL, plasma cell
- Plasma cells, late NRBC, progranulocyte
- Young Plasma Cell
- Plasma cells, proerythroblast, NRBC
- Binucleated plasma cell with a fragmenting cytoplasm
- Plasma cell, Mott cell, buffy coat preparation
- Plasma cell, vacuoles located over nucleus
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Plasma cell, Morula cell, Mott cell, Russell bodies, ITP
- Plasma cell, multiple vacuoles, anemia of chronic infection
- Plasma cell with multiple vacuoles, multiple nuclei
- Osteoblast, plasma cells, normal marrow
- Pathologic rouleaux formation, Multiple myeloma
- Pathologic rouleaux, plasma cell, Multiple myeloma
- Pathologic rouleaux, Multiple myeloma
- Eosinophil, Normal blood
- Band eosinophil, mature neutrophil, Normal blood
- Basophils, mature neutrophils, CML blood
- Mature megakaryocyte, blood smear
- Megakaryocyte, megakaryoblast, endothelial cells, ITP marrow
- Intermediate megakaryocyte, late NRBC, mature neutrophil
- Micromegakaryocytes, myeloid leukemia, M-7 leukemia
- Myelocytes, band neutrophils, metamyelocyte
Neutrophils: Band
- Blasts, megathrombocyte, acute megkaryocytic leukemia
- Blasts, neutrophilic myelocyte, band neutrophil, AML relapse
- Blast, Late NRBC, Progranulocyte, Basophil, AML
- Blasts, AML
- Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7) in Remission
- Small Platelets, Megathrombocyte, Band Neutrophil
- Abnormal megathrombocytes, Capillary blood, MDS
- Platelet Satellitism
- Platelet Satellitism
- Mitotic form, drug reaction buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, drug reaction buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphs, infectious mononucleosis blood
- Plasmacytoid, plasma cell, alcoholic, liver disease blood
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, alcoholic
- Mott Cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid, plasma cell, severe arthritis, osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid, plasma cell, severe arthritis, osteoporosis
- Plasma cells, late NRBC, progranulocyte
- Plasma cells, late NRBC, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Plasma cell, late NRBC, band neutrophil
- Plasma cell, binucleated plasma cell, normal marrow
- Mott cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, viral infection
- Plasma cell, Morula cell, Mott cell, Russell bodies, ITP
- Plasma cell with multiple vacuoles, normal marrow
- Plasma cell with multiple vacuoles, multiple nuclei
- Plasma cell, vacuoles overlying nucleus, monocyte
- Pathologic rouleaux, Multiple myeloma
- Eosinophilic myelocytes, neutrophilic myelocytes, Marrow
- Basophils, Toluidine Blue stain, CML
- Mast cell, Normal marrow
- Mast cell
- Mast cells, Systemic mastocytosis marrow
- Osteoblasts
- Osteoclast
- Mature megakaryocytes, emperipolis
- Binucleated megakaryocyte, myelocytes, late NRBC
- Young megakaryocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocyte, blood smear
- Bare megakaryocyte nuclei, NRBC, cancer blood
- Megakaryoblast, emperipolis, hemolytic anemia
- Mature megakaryocytes, emperipolis, normal marrow
- Micromegakaryocytes, myeloid leukemia, M-7 leukemia
- Blood – thin area, lymphocytes, neutrophils
- Band neutrophils, karryorexes of neutrophils, smudge cells
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophil, band neutrophil, normal blood
- Band neutrophils, segmented neutrophil
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, lymphocyte
- Band neutrophil, segmented neutrophils
- Band neutrophil, segmented neutrophil
- Band neutrophils, monocyte
- Band neutrophils
- Early band neutrophils
- Segmented and band neutrophils, lymphocyte, normal blood
- Monocyte, band neutrophil, normal blood
- Lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophil, buffy coat, normal blood
- Band neutrophil, metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, NRBC
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, myelocytes
- Myelocyte, smashed myelocyte, bare nucleus, smudge cells
- Myelocyte, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myelocytes, band neutrophils, metamyelocyte
- Myelocyte, disrupted band neutrophil
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophils
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophils, normal marrow
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte
- Myeloblast, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, band neutrophil, normal marrow
Neutrophils: Metamyelocytes
- Young Plasma Cell
- Plasma cell, Morula cell, Mott cell, Russell bodies, ITP
- Megakaryocyte nuclei, megathrombocytes, myeloid metaplasia
- Metamyelocyte, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Band neutrophil, metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, NRBC
- Neutrophilic metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Myelocytes, band neutrophils, metamyelocyte
- Myelocytes, promyelocyte, late NRBC, metamyelocyte
- Progranulocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, monocyte
- Myeloblast, neutrophilic metamyelocyte, normal marrow
Neutrophils: Myelocytes
- Myelocytes, abnormal platelets, AML blood
- Blasts, neutrophilic myelocyte, band neutrophil, AML relapse
- Blasts, abnormal megathrombocyte, AML in relapse
- Blasts, neutrophilic myelocyte, monocyte, AML in relapse
- Pelgeroid eutrophil, Megakaryocyte, Megakaryocytic Leukemia
- Young Basophil, neutrophilic myelocyte, M-7 leukemia
- Abnormal agranular megathrombocytes, megakaryocytic leukemia
- Progranulocytes, neutrophilic myelocyte, M-7 leukemia
- Abnormal megakaryoblasts, myelocytes, M-7 leukemia
- Blasts, AML
- Blasts, M-7 leukemia, neutrophils, NRBC, Down’s syndrome
- Blasts, Megakaryocyte, AML
- Blasts, AML
- Mitotic Neutrophilic cell, AML
- AML (M-7) in Remission
- AML (M-7) in Remission
- Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7) in Remission
- Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7) in Remission
- Platelet Satellitism
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, alcoholic
- Mott Cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease
- Plasma cell, NRBCs, hypersplenism
- Plasma cells, late NRBC, progranulocyte
- Young Plasma Cell
- Plasma cell, NRBC in mitosis
- Plasma cells, late NRBC, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Plasma cell, binucleated plasma cell, normal marrow
- Binucleated plasma cell with a fragmenting cytoplasm
- Plasma cell, vacuoles located over nucleus
- Plasma cell, Morula cell, Mott cell, Russell bodies, ITP
- Plasma cell with multiple vacuoles, normal marrow
- Plasma cell, multiple vacuoles, anemia of chronic infection
- Plasma cell with multiple vacuoles, multiple nuclei
- Osteoblast, plasma cells, normal marrow
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, eosinophilic metamyelocyte, mitosis
- Eosinophilic myelocytes, neutrophilic myelocytes, Marrow
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Crushed myelocyte, polychromatic, orthochromatic NRBC
- Mast cell, Normal marrow
- Mast cell
- Mast cell
- Mast cell, macrophages, Normal marrow
- Mast cells, Systemic mastocytosis marrow
- Osteoblasts
- Early binucleated megakaryocyte, chronic myelocytic leukemia
- Binucleated megakaryocyte, myelocytes, late NRBC
- Young megakaryocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocyte, intermediate megakaryocyte, ITP marrow
- Intermediate megakaryocyte, megakaryoblast, normal marrow
- Micromegakaryocytes, myeloid leukemia, M-7 leukemia
- megakaryocyte nucleus, M-7 and chronic myeloid leukemias
- Micromegakaryocytes, M-7 and chronic myeloid leukemias
- Monocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Late neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, late NRBC
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Band neutrophil, metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, NRBC
- Neutrophilic metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Intermediate neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, late NRBC, normal marrow
- Intermediate neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Intermediate neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, almost no granules, normal marrow
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, myelocytes
- Myelocyte, smashed myelocyte, bare nucleus, smudge cells
- Myelocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myelocyte, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myelocyte with many azure granules, normal marrow
- Myelocytes, band neutrophils, metamyelocyte
- Myelocyte, disrupted band neutrophil
- Myelocytes, promyelocyte, late NRBC, metamyelocyte
- Progranulocyte, segmented neutrophil, polychromatic NRBC
- Progranulocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, monocyte
- Progranulocyte, myelocyte, normal marrow
- Reticular cell, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
Monocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
Neutrophils: Promyelocytes (Progranulocytes)
- Blasts, neutrophilic promyelocyte, AML in relapse
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, progranulocyte, AML in relapse
- Progranulocytes, acute megakaryocytic leukemia in relapse
- Blast, progranulocyte, M-7 leukemia
- Progranulocytes, neutrophilic myelocyte, M-7 leukemia
- Blast, Late NRBC, Progranulocyte, Basophil, AML
- Plasma cells, late NRBC, progranulocyte
- Plasma Cells, binucleated plasma cell, ITP
- Plasma cell, Morula cell, Mott cell, Russell bodies, ITP
- Young megakaryocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow
- Myelocytes, promyelocyte, late NRBC, metamyelocyte
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophils
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophils, normal marrow
- Progranulocyte, segmented neutrophil, polychromatic NRBC
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Progranulocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, monocyte
- Progranulocyte, myelocyte, normal marrow
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte
- Progranulocyte, dying lymphocyte, normal marrow
- One very early progranulocyte, normal marrow
- Early progranulocyte, normal marrow
Neutrophils: Myeloblasts
- Megakaryoblast, binucleated megakaryocyte, myeloid leukemia
- Myeloblast, micromegakaryocyte, myeloid leukemia blood
- Megakaryoblasts, chronic myeloid leukemia, M-7 leukemia
- megakaryocyte nucleus, M-7 and chronic myeloid leukemias
- Micromegakaryocytes, M-7 and chronic myeloid leukemias
- Myeloblast, neutrophilic metamyelocyte, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, late neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, basophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblasts, lymphocyte, late NRBC, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, polychromatic NRBCs, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, lymphocyte, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, late NRBC, normal marrow
Neutrophils: Reticular Cells
- AML (M-7) in Remission
- Reticular cells, polychromatic NRBCs, normal marrow
- Reticular cell, normal marrow
- Reticular cell, monocyte, normal marrow
- Reticular cell, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
Neutrophils: Hypersegmented
- Hypersegmented neutrophil, mitotic cell, LGL, plasma cell
- Normal blood, segmented and hypersegmented neutrophils
- Hypersegmented neutrophil, leukocytosis
- Hypersegmented and normal segmented neutrophil
- Hypersegmented neutrophil, buffy coat of pernicious anemia
Neutrophils: Toxic
Neutrophils: Smashed
- Myelocyte, smashed myelocyte, bare nucleus, smudge cells
- Crushed myelocyte, polychromatic, orthochromatic NRBC
Neutrophils: Smudged
- Blasts, AML
- Mitotic Neutrophilic cell, AML
- Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7) in Remission
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral infection buffy coat
- Mott Cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease
- Plasma cell, NRBCs, hypersplenism
- Binucleated Plasma Cell, orthochromatic NRBC
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Mott Cell, binucleated early megakaryocyte
- Plasma cell, vacuoles overlying nucleus, monocyte
- Crushed myelocyte, polychromatic, orthochromatic NRBC
- Neutrophilic metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow
- Myelocyte, smashed myelocyte, bare nucleus, smudge cells
- Reticular cells, polychromatic NRBCs, normal marrow
Neutrophils: Pelgeroid (Hyposegmented)
- Abnormal neutrophils, Pelgeroid, platelets, AML blood
- Hyposegmented neutrophil, blasts, megathrombocyte, AML blood
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, lymphocyte, AML blood
- Late neutrophil, Pelgeroid, colorless cytoplasm, AML blood
- Pelgeroid and intermediate neutrophils, blasts, AML relapse
- Blasts, Pelgeroid neutrophils, AML in relapse
- Pelgeroid neutrophils, blasts, AML in relapse
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, progranulocyte, AML in relapse
- Pelgeroid eutrophil, Megakaryocyte, Megakaryocytic Leukemia
- Abnormal late neutrophils, Pelgeroid, M-7 leukemia
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, blasts, M-7 leukemia
Neutrophils: Abnormal
- Abnormal neutrophils, Pelgeroid, platelets, AML blood
- Blasts, megathrombocyte, acute megkaryocytic leukemia
- Late neutrophil, Pelgeroid, colorless cytoplasm, AML blood
- Abnormal late neutrophils, colorless cytoplasm, M-7 leukemia
- Abnormal late neutrophils, Pelgeroid, M-7 leukemia
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, blasts, M-7 leukemia
Neutrophils: Colorless Cytoplasm
- Blasts, megathrombocyte, acute megkaryocytic leukemia
- Late neutrophil, Pelgeroid, colorless cytoplasm, AML blood
- Blast, late neutrophil, megathrombocytes, AML blood
- Abnormal late neutrophils, colorless cytoplasm, M-7 leukemia
Neutrophils: Double Nucleus
Neutrophils: Surrounded by Platelets
- Neutrophils surrounded by platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Neutrophil Surrounded by Platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Late Neutrophil Surrounded – Platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Neutrophils surrounded by platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Mature Neutrophils surrounded by Platelets, Satellitism
- Mature Neutrophils, Platelet Satellitism
- Neutrophils surrounded by platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Monocyte, engulfed platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Neutrophils, platelet satellitism, marrow
Neutrophils: Segmented
- Abnormal late neutrophils, colorless cytoplasm, M-7 leukemia
- Abnormal late neutrophils, Pelgeroid, M-7 leukemia
- Blasts, M-7 leukemia, neutrophils, NRBC, Down’s syndrome
- Mitotic Neutrophilic cell, AML
- AML (M-7) in Remission
- AML (M-7) in Remission
- Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7) in Remission
- Normal Platelets, Normal EDTA anticoagulated blood
- Eosinophilic myelocytes, neutrophilic myelocytes, Marrow
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Mast cell, Normal marrow
- Mast cell, macrophages, Normal marrow
- Osteoclast
- Young megakaryocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow
- Normal blood – dense area, segmented neutrophil
- Normal blood – dense area, lyphocyte, segmented neutrophil
- Blood – tail area, segmented neutrophils
- Normal blood, segmented neutrophil, small lymphocyte
- Normal blood, segmented neutrophils, lymphocyte
- Normal blood, segmented neutrophils
- Normal blood, segmented and hypersegmented neutrophils
- Hypersegmented and normal segmented neutrophil
- Band neutrophils, karryorexes of neutrophils, smudge cells
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophil, band neutrophil, normal blood
- Band neutrophils, segmented neutrophil
- Segmented neutrophil, monocyte, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, lymphocyte
- Band neutrophil, segmented neutrophils
- Band neutrophil, segmented neutrophil
- Segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, normal blood
- Segmented and band neutrophils, lymphocyte, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, thin area blood
- Segmented neutrophil, lymphocytes, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophil, monocyte, lymphocytes, normal blood
- Lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophil, monocyte, normal blood
- Monocyte, lymphocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal blood
- Monocyte, segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, normal blood
- mall lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil, normal blood
- Monocytes, segmented neutrophil, normal blood
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal marrow
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, myelocytes
- Myelocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal marrow
- Progranulocyte, segmented neutrophil, polychromatic NRBC
- Reticular cells, polychromatic NRBCs, normal marrow
White Blood Cell (WBC): Lymphocytes
- Lymphocyte, platelet fragment, megathrombocyte, M-7 leukemia
- Megakaryocyte, blasts, peroxidase stain, M-7 leukemia
- Megakaryoblasts with coarse azurophilic granules, AML marrow
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, lymphocyte, AML blood
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, monocyte, blast, platelets, AML blood
- Megathrombocytes, agranular platelet, AML capillary blood
- Late NRBC, Mature Lymphocyte, AML
- Bare Nucleus, Megakaryocyte, Blast, AML
- Blasts, AML
- Megathrombocytes, Blast, AML
- Normal Platelets, Normal EDTA anticoagulated blood
- Platelets, Normal EDTA anticoagulated blood
- Neutrophils surrounded by platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Neutrophils surrounded by platelets, Platelet Satellitism
- Mature Neutrophils surrounded by Platelets, Satellitism
- Platelet Satellitism
- Neutrophils, platelet satellitism, marrow
- Neutrophils, platelet satellitism, marrow
- Reactive lymphocytes, Hepatitis blood
- Reactive, plasmacytoid, basophilic, reticular lymphocytes
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral infection blood
- Monocyte, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, LGL, viral infection
- Reactive lymphocytes, viral infection blood
- Reactive lymphocyte, viral infection blood
- Reactive/plasmacytoid lymphocyte, viral infection buffy coat
- Reactive, plasmacytoid, Viral infection buffy coat
- Mature, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, viral infection buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, LGL, viral infection buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral infection buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral infection, buffy coat
- Reactive lymphocyte, viral infection blood
- Reactive lymphocytes, Cytomegalovirus infection blood
- Reactive, plasmacytoid lymphocytes, LGL, Cytomegalovirus
- Mitotic form, drug reaction buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, drug reaction buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, drug reaction buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, drug reaction buffy coat
- Monocyte, Plasmacytoid Lymphocyte, drug reaction buffy coat
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, renal infection blood
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral infection
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral or bacterial infection
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, drug reaction blood
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral or bacterial infection
- Reactive, plasmacytoid, viral infection blood
- Plasmacytoid lymphs, infectious mononucleosis blood
- Plasmacytoid lymphoid, infectious mononucleosis blood
- Plasma Cell, alcoholic, liver disease blood
- Plasmacytoid, mature, plasma cell, alcoholic, liver disease
- Plasmacytoid, plasma cell, alcoholic, liver disease blood
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease blood
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, alcoholic
- Blast cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic/liver disease
- Mott Cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease
- Mott Cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease blood
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, Mott Cell, arthritis, osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid, plasma cells, severe arthritis, osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, severe arthritis with osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid, plasma cell, severe arthritis, osteoporosis
- Plasmacytoid, plasma cell, severe arthritis, osteoporosis
- Hypersegmented neutrophil, mitotic cell, LGL, plasma cell
- Plasma cell, monocytes, platelets, breast cancer blood
- Plasma cell, polychromatic NRBC
- Plasma cell, lymphocyte
- Plasma Cells
- Plasma cell, mature lymphocyte
- Plasma Cells, Acute myelomonocytic (M-4) leukemia
- Plasmablast, plasmacytoid lymphocyte
- Plasma cells, late NRBC, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Mature lymphocyte, proerythroblast, basophilic erythroblast
- Plasma cell, binucleated plasma cell, normal marrow
- Binucleated Plasma Cell, normal marrow
- Macrophage, Plasma Cell, normal marrow
- Plasma cell, Mott cell, buffy coat preparation
- Mott cell, Russell bodies, red cell transfusion
- Mott cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, viral infection
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, serum sickness
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, serum sickness
- Mott Cell, binucleated early megakaryocyte
- Plasma cell, Morula cell, Mott cell, Russell bodies, ITP
- Rouleaux formation, Multiple myeloma
- Pathologic rouleaux formation, Multiple myeloma
- Mast Cell
- Mast Cells
- Mast cell, Normal marrow
- Osteoblasts
- Osteoclast
- Bare megakaryocyte nuclei, Multiple myeloma blood
- Bare megakaryocyte nuclei, myeloid metaplasia
- Myeloblast, micromegakaryocyte, myeloid leukemia blood
- megakaryocyte nucleus, M-7 and chronic myeloid leukemias
- Megakaryocyte nucleus, myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis
- Micromegakaryocyte, myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis
- Platelets, GP IIb,IIIa stain
- Normal blood – dense area, lyphocyte, segmented neutrophil
- Blood – thin area, lymphocytes, neutrophils
- Blood – thin area, lymphocyte, smudge cell
- Normal blood, segmented neutrophil, small lymphocyte
- Normal blood, segmented neutrophils, lymphocyte
- Hypersegmented neutrophil, buffy coat of pernicious anemia
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, lymphocyte
- Segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, normal blood
- Segmented and band neutrophils, lymphocyte, normal blood
- Lymphocyte, normal blood
- Myeloblast, basophil, normal marrow
- Lymphocyte, normal blood
- Lymphocytes, normal blood
- Lymphocyte, polychromatophilic RBC
- Lymphocyte with a kidney shaped nucleus
- Lymphocyte with pseudopod
- Segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, thin area blood
- Segmented neutrophil, lymphocytes, normal blood
- Very large, reactive lymphocyte, normal blood
- Very large lymphocyte, normal blood
- Lymphocyte, thin tail area blood
- Large lymphocyte with nucleolus
- Large reactive lymphocyte, normal blood
- Reactive lymphocyte, infectious mononucleosis blood
- Lymphocyte with granules, tail area of normal blood
- Large granular lymphocyte, normal blood
- Segmented neutrophil, monocyte, lymphocytes, normal blood
- Lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil, normal blood
- Very small lymphocyte, monocyte, normal blood
- Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, viral reaction blood
- Lymphocyte, monocyte, normal blood
- Monocyte, large and small lymphocytes
- Monocyte, lymphocyte
- Monocyte with contorted nucleus, lymphocyte
- Monocyte, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, normal blood
- Large granular lymphocyte, monocyte, normal blood
- Monocyte, small lymphocyte, iron deficiency blood
- Monocyte, large lymphocyte, normal blood
- Lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophil, buffy coat, normal blood
- Monocyte, lymphocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal blood
- Monocyte, segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, normal blood
- mall lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil, normal blood
- Metamyelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, myelocytes
- Myelocytes, band neutrophils, metamyelocyte
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte
- Progranulocyte, dying lymphocyte, normal marrow
- Myeloblasts, lymphocyte, late NRBC, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, lymphocyte, normal marrow
- Reticular cells, polychromatic NRBCs, normal marrow
monocyte with extended cytoplasm; Normal blood – 100X” href=”” rel=”lightbox”>Segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, normal blood
White Blood Cell (WBC): Blasts
- Abnormal megakaryocytes, proerythroblast, M-7 leukemia
- Mature and abnormal megakaryocytes, M-7 leukemia
- Abnormal mature megakaryocyte, mitosis, M-7 leukemia
- Blasts, polychromatic nrbcs, acute megakaryocytic leukemia
- Giant abnormal NRBC, acute megakaryocytic leukemia
- Peroxidase stain, acute megakaryocytic leukemia
- Abnormal megakaryoblasts, lymphocytes, AML marrow
- Megakaryocytes, Glycoprotein IIbIIIa stain, M-7 leukemia
- Hyposegmented neutrophil, blasts, megathrombocyte, AML blood
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, lymphocyte, AML blood
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, monocyte, blast, platelets, AML blood
- Mature neutrophil, blast, acute megakaryocytic leukemia
- Blasts, megathrombocyte, acute megkaryocytic leukemia
- Blasts, megathrombocyte, neutrophil, monocyte, AML blood
- Blast, late neutrophil, megathrombocytes, AML blood
- Pelgeroid and intermediate neutrophils, blasts, AML relapse
- Blasts, Pelgeroid neutrophils, AML in relapse
- Blasts, neutrophilic myelocyte, band neutrophil, AML relapse
- Pelgeroid neutrophils, blasts, AML in relapse
- Blasts, abnormal megathrombocyte, AML in relapse
- Blasts, neutrophilic myelocyte, monocyte, AML in relapse
- Blasts, Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7) in relapse
- Blasts, neutrophilic promyelocyte, AML in relapse
- Young Basophil, neutrophilic myelocyte, M-7 leukemia
- Abnormal agranular megathrombocytes, megakaryocytic leukemia
- Pelgeroid neutrophil, blasts, M-7 leukemia
- Blast, progranulocyte, M-7 leukemia
- Peroxidase and Wright’s-Giemsa stains, M-7 leukemia
- Blasts, peroxidase stain, M-7 leukemia blood
- AML, Marrow biopsy
- Blast, Megathrombocyte, Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7)
- Blast, Abnormal Megathrombocytes , AML
- Bare Nucleus, Megakaryocyte, Blast, AML
- Bare Nuclei, Megakaryocytes, Blast, AML
- Late NRBC, Basophil, Megakaryocyte, Blast, AML
- Monocyte, Bare Nucleus, Megakaryocyte, AML
- Blasts, AML
- Glycoprotein IIbIIIa stain, AML
- Blast, Glycoprotein IIbIIIa stain, AML
- Blasts, Platelets, AML
- AML, Marrow biopsy
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, Blasts, AML, marrow biopsy
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, Blasts, AML, marrow biopsy
- Reticulin fibers, Megakaryocytes, Blast, AML, Marrow biopsy
- Megathrombocytes, Blast, AML
- Blasts, AML
- Blasts, AML
- Blasts, M-7 leukemia, neutrophils, NRBC, Down’s syndrome
- Blasts, Megakaryocyte, AML
- Mitotic Neutrophilic cell, AML
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, AML
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, AML, Marrow biopsy
- Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7) in Remission
- Blast cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic/liver disease
- Plasmablast, plasmacytoid lymphocyte
- Binucleated plasma cell with a fragmenting cytoplasm
- Plasma cell with four nuclei, Acute myeloid leukemia
- Tri-nucleated plasma cell, blasts, Acute myeloid leukemia
- Plasma cell, Morula cell, Mott cell, Russell bodies, ITP
- Mast cell, Normal marrow
- Micromegakaryocytes, M-7 and chronic myeloid leukemias
- Blasts, Wrights-Giemsa stain, chronic myeloid leukemia
- Blasts, GP IIb,IIIa stain, acute megakaryocytic leukemia