

One neutrophil with a dense hyposegmented (Pelgeroid) nucleus and colorless cytoplasm at top edge. One large lymphocyte at right edge. One blast at lower edge has a high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, gray-blue cytoplasm and two prominent nucleoli. Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7). Capillary blood – 50X

0144065-Normal-Platelets- Normal-EDTA-anticoagulated-blood

0144065-Normal-Platelets- Normal-EDTA-anticoagulated-blood

Normal Platelets scattered throughout the field. The normal average number of platelets in a proper field ranges from 8 to 15. In EDTA anticoagulated samples they are more evenly distributed, are usually rounded up and may be slightly swollen and/or slightly degranulated. One small mature lymphocyte. Normal RBC. Normal EDTA anticoagulated blood – 100X